
Denis Gavriliuk


Graduate of Rivne State University Of Humanities on "ballroom dance" specialty (2014). Dancer, choreographer, teacher. He turned to contemporary dance in 2012. In 2015 he created the E.G.O. Dance Dtudio.

During this period he took classes of Anton Ovchinnikov, Anton Safonov, Kristina Shyshkaryova, Iryna Plotnikova, Viacheslav Buchоk, Yaroslav Kainar, Javier Martinez (Spain).

Why do children need adults

Director — Denis Gavrilyuk
Curator — Anton Ovchinnikov

Who are we for children? Who are we, adults, for children: friends, enemies, support? What is our role in their lives?

Performers: Kateryna Stahnyuk, Denis Gavrilyuk.
In performance the music of the Kronos Quartet is used.
Duration – 15 minutes

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