'Bodies in motion' is an evening comprised of 3 dance performances – 3 contemporary dance premieres, 3 explorative adventures told with bodies, by young choreographers, the Artil Project participants. These performances were created in the past 2 months at Artil art incubator and are getting their final form right this very moment to be presented in front of you, dear viewers of Artil minifest.
Right after the performances there will be a discussion where you'll be able to express your own feelings, be it delight or disappointment. This format is an essential part of contemporary dance perception that couldn't be left out. So don't plan anything for Artil minifest evenings – leave room for new experience.
Katharina Ludwig
We are all looking for something. But do we know what we are looking for? Acceptance, individuality, happiness, success, or actually something deeper in life? Aren't we all looking for the same thing? However, so often we feel lonely on this journey, unaware that those who are around us are looking too. A stream through space that reaches out to the unknown. Are we looking outside, reaching with our fingertips, watching with eyes, exploring with the soles of our feet? Or does the search go deep into the conscious and the unconscious?
Oleksandra Lytvyn
Attention! Today some very important experts are at the performance, so we kindly ask you to keep yourself cool. Don't get up from your seat, don't laugh out loud and, please, in no case start singing. We sincerely hope that performance will enrich your experience, and just for reminder, the exit is on the right.
Rita Lira
We move through space, limited by the starting and finishing points. What determines the speed and trajectory of our movement? Can the end of our movement lead us back to the beginning? Will it create a specific cycle, or even a cycles system? Is it possible that our lives are just series of closed systems? Is there any way out? And is it
needed at all?